Friday, March 28, 2014

7 Year Old Woe

This girl is my oldest girl. She is seven and a half but is struggling.

She is in first grade and has recently been complaining of stomach aches all the time. She can't sleep because of them. She can't do her chores. She doesn't want to go to school or go to recess.

It us almost easier to want to have this indeed be physiological in nature than to think that she might be lying. But she has been lying about other things. About fighting with her sister and stealing food and breaking things. And she is stressed. With school and the move and her lack of friends. But how can I be certain of what's going on?

I need a compass.

She has had rays where she had been shown as constipated. So we did a laxative cleanse. She is also on a maintenance dose of Miralax. But it still hurts. So now she's on Prilosec. And it still hurts. And she says she's dizzy and that she can't see well. And she's not sleeping. So we'll go back to the doctor and that's when they start looking for the scary diseases. The Cohen's, the Celiac our the BID.

And all I want to do is have an answer. And have her be okay. And have it be something I can fix. Whether it be stress or the seven year old itch. I just want her to be better.

I'm OK.

I'm okay but I am not OSO okay.
We moved to Washington in the June of 2013 and are living forty miles away from where the landslide occurred. It had not affected us directly; we do not personally know anyone who was there but any disaster like this just wrecks me. I have a dark fascination with the news that is coming out of the site and a tendency to thoroughly immerse myself in tragedy. It gives me a window into the human experience and allows me to feel sad when I normally don't allow myself that luxury.